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Artigos-->This is the question: Why does Bush want to make war? -- 03/05/2003 - 23:11 (Eustáquio Mário Ribeiro Braga) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos
Do you ask me why Bush wants to make war? I answer: George W. Bush is very bad; He is an arrogant and presumptuous man. He is a dangerous and cruel animal. This war will be preposterous because George W. Bush and his powerful allied Tony Blair are more preoccupied with oil wells of the supposed enemy President Saddam Hussein. They want to be in power over the world. They want to dominate the economy and politics of the world. They want to dominate the people and the nations. They intent to combat against the terrorists, but in the name the globalization of the economy They killed poor nations, or for hungry and social exclude. Bush charges Iraq production of chemical weapons, but the USA was the principal supplier of those same arms during the war of Iran and Iraq twenty years ago.

In my opinion the price of the war is very expensive. I hope the persons of the all countries can manifest more and press the North American govern to do a better thing than attack the Iraqi people. Maybe peace in the world is not an impossibility if everyone combats one only occult enemy: the economy power.


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