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Cartas-->A Letter to Myself I -- 03/02/2008 - 14:28 (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/Alcir J.T. de Souza) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos
A Letter to Myself “I”

My Friend

I have decided to write a series of letters to attempt to leave a testimony of my passage through this world; they will be and a honest description of the times i lived in and my relation within the whole human existence and the repercussions of their actions for us and the planet we live in; it must be a true and honest evaluation that will allow me to make a intelligent analogy between the past with all of its mistakes the present with the persistent and obtuse repetition of those same errors and the obviously painful consequences for our future that this reruns will undoubting bring upon us as a specie and the maintenance of our very own survivor in the floating ball that we call earth.
This first letter was to be about Brasil (off course) and the recent crises that involved ministers of the actual government in the irresponsible and criminal misuses of the “governmental credit cards “ that are given to members of the ruling party, actually the so called PT or Workers Party and in especial to a “minister of interracial relations” that went on a rampage of expenditures that culminated with her resignation and as usual the cover up and the forgiveness of the press and the country, but this case is so common and I have criticized Brasil so much that I put my nationalistic criticism a side and I have focused in a drama much worse then the common thievery that always happened in the bordello were I was born. (what definitely does not mean that I will forget about its crocked ways)
I have seeing in the past month a rerun of a bloody and announced movie from 1994 called “The Hacking of a Nation” when in the African country of Rwanda more then 1.000.000 people from the Tootsie group were decimated by their fellow countryman of the Hutu tribe by blows of machetes and other rudimental but very effect killing instruments; woman, elderly, children and babies were ferocious hacked to their extremely painful deaths under the eyes of a silent and complacent world and in especial the General Assembly, the Secretary and the Belgium United Nations troops there stationed to put peace and order to the chaos that was starting in that country ; the use of the rudimentary weaponry was not due to the lack of firearms witch they had in abundance due to the many wars raged in all parts of the so called dark continent; that choice of equipments were made based sole in the UN directive that determines that the peace keepers rule of engagement would be that they should only fire and intervene when fired upon; on putting aside personal efforts this choice of intervention gave to the monsters that masterminded that genocide the obvious choice of weaponry to be used against their foes; and the story progressed as we all know.
Well as in Brasil, the main incentive to the repetition is off course the lack of punishment or the well defended among world leaders impunity; as in many other cases through out human modern history is was so; nobody was thoroughly and exemplary punished as well as some of the involved were even prized as heroes from removing of the Tootsie scum out of the face of the earth .
And after that as in all cases alike history is now repeating itself this time the axes and machetes are being branded and widely used in Kenya were the scumbags of the days are the actual president and thieve of the hour Mwai Kibaki and his opposite and wannabe ruler plunder Raila Odinga; and while those individuals are having a polite discussion about who will robed the country, the suffering of the people started due to rampant fraud in the recent elections witch were certainly perpetrated by the actual president Mwai Kibaki that could only do it because he is in power and it would be done the same by Raila Odinga if was he the president, because the only thing that moves people like those two criminals and their pears are the greed and the need to succeed the colonialist in the attack and the plunder against the riches within the African continent ; but the repetition does not stop in the fact itself, due to the fact that those polite but ineffective discussions are being mediated by the previous responsible for the incompetent, coward and inhumane positions taken by the UN in the Ruanda massacre the then Secretary of the United Nations Koffi Annan and as previously in Ruanda the cities and streets of Kenya are being washed with the blood of the weak ones, the ones that cannot defend themselves against the incandesced mobs of thugs that roam the country machetes at hand, while the UN sits quietly and do nothing to intervene again.
The new secretary Ban Kin Moon is a lame duck just like his predecessor, they get use to the pomp and circumstance that surrounds the job that they occupied at the moment and forget why the UN was created in the first place after two world wars in 1948 it did happened so people all over the planet had a protection against those villains that roam through out human history victimizing their fellow beings and profiting from doing so and from the impunity that they are sure that will conquer with the acquiescence and complicity of the ones that are supposed to stop them .

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