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Contos-->Knowledge -- 15/11/2011 - 16:21 (Paulo Machado da Costa) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos

In a big river, of difficult crossing there was a boatman that used to cross people from one side to the other.
In one of those trips there were a lawyer and a teacher.
The lawyer who liked to talk a lot, asked the boatman: ‘hey guy, do you understand anything about laws?’
‘No!’ Answered the boatman. And the lawyer said: ‘you’ve got a problem.’ ‘You’ve lost half of your life.’
The teacher showing some sympathy asked him too: ‘hey guy, do know how to read and write?’
‘I neither read note write.’ Answered the boatman. And the teacher said: ‘you’ve got a problem.’ ‘You’ve lost half of your life.’
Unexpectedly, a wave sank the boat.
The worried boatman asked them: ‘do you know how to swim?’
‘No!’ They answered quickly. ‘We didn’t have time to learn.’
‘You’ve got a problem.’
‘You’ve got a big problem.’
‘Unfortunately, you all have lost your lifes.’
And the boatman swam as far as the margin.

”Nobody knows much or less.
Each person knows differently.”
(Paulo Freire)

Adapted by Paulo Machado da Costa.

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