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Poesias-->OLD CHURCH -- 22/06/2001 - 18:15 (Flavia Martin) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos
It was a so antique church

Where the black time had left

Roughs marks on the wall.

The angels of the stained glass windows

Had reflected themselves on the ground

Dressed in agony and pain.

Candles has melted on the shady altar

And the bells had sounded

The gladness of the eternal death.

Far away we ve listened to the chorus

Where human voices had mixed with the angels voices.

The blood of Jesus

Had drained on wings of the blue bird.

The almost divines lies

Have involved the faithful

In a hug nearly mortal.


One by one

Have dived slowly

Within their own insignificance.
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