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Roteiro_de_Filme_ou_Novela-->RESUMO DE "FARRAPOS" EM INGLÊS -- 17/02/2007 - 15:43 (J. D. Lima Oliveira) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos
Is in the ends of the decade of 50. A stranger ticket put under the door of his/her residence in Lisbon, it takes the applicant militiaman Alexandre Ruas to transfer for Nogueira, small city transmontana nailed in the foot of the mountain. He/she had a mission to accomplish: To discover the father s identification allegedly died in combat in the Spanish civil war, 20 years ago. Parallel the this fiction, that transports us to unexpected situations, full of audacity and mystery, we are confrontad with the realities of the time in the quiet Northeastern city. Their habits, to strong tradition academic and a good dose of political conceptions, expressed for characters of deep republican roots.
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