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Artigos-->I have Lived and Still Kicking ! -- 28/03/2008 - 21:12 (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/Alcir J.T. de Souza) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos
I have Lived and Still Kicking !

I have had a great life in most of those fifty years of my presence in this world of so many beauties and greatnesses and abundant in ugliness and mediocrity; I am a fortunate individual because I do believe that my beginning in life with the parents that I had was bound to failure and disgrace to pain and agony as it started in my early days; but as everything in my life I was from the point that I did took charge of my own life rewarded with illumination and openness that was all that I needed to grow and recreated my self as I was able to do many times and in many different circumstances that made me a constant evolving human in all aspects of the evolution process.

Never claimed to be perfect or had being all the time correct; I am never the less more asserting than the majority of the people I know and distant of them I am sure and conscious of mi errors and in doing so am more able to correct myself and consequently proceed in my true quest not only for growth but excellence in the process of evolving.

As I did learn: or you do pursue evolution by recognizing your errors or you are bound by repeating them incessantly and obnoxiously towards a inexorable regression, and I found out by observing my fellow travelers that’s something that I will not do; as a searcher I did have my moments of doubt and weakness especially when I was questioned about my taught, my views and actions by a majority of persons involved in that moment in time with me; it is obvious that a person is induced to question one self when the sounds of voices multiply and overdue the one that you have a undutiful obligation to always hear above all: the common cense one !

And that’s the voice that I tried to hear always, through all my life even when against my own I did try to face common cense as the obvious choice; and by these apparently easy observation I guided myself in the most obscure and dangerous moments that I did put myself through; from life in Brasil during a dictatorship were my views, positions, believes and actions could have taken a young life to a end to the days of search and discovery as a individual, an creator a visionary and in a time of darkness a true renascence man, through my very fortunate but clearly dangerous choice of profession that took a brasilian young man and professional to travel the world and discover so much and so many great things that open my mind and made me a cosmopolitan human being; and beyond my war days as a military and a combatant in wars that I did not started but fought for end with all means at my disposal and with my up most will to survive and live to see another day and enjoy it and not have any pains or doubts about the ones on the other side that did not lived to do it.

I am a extremely well constructed fifty years old man I did excided, fought and win when so many gave up and died just because they did not believed in themselves; possibly because they couldn’t they were not build of the same material that I was forged in; perhaps they could not endure the pain an the agony that a defeated ; is clear that their search was stopped by the surrounding darkness wile my was brightened by it self; I do not care much for defeat, I can fall down like everyone else, I have my weakness in abundance but the more I go down the more I inspire myself to stand up and crush the weakness within by defying limitation and failure; by being tough with the only person that really maters at those moments: MY SELF; because without Alcir I do not exist, without me I am just another body waiting for the inevitable end without have really lived, without have let a mark in the existence; and that I do know that I did .

I am shamelessly proud of all my accomplishments, I am truly honored by being a fighter that I am and also for have had the courage to apologize for my errors that hurt some and for correcting my courses when needed; that’s why I am here today writing this compliment to the only person that I could really count with in all the moments of my life; the only one that trusted me and never let me down and when I did needed; helped me to get back on my feet again; Thank you very much; without you I most certainly would not be in here proceeding with this unstoppable search for evolution:

Again (Tussen Tak) Thanks !

_ Alcir Jose Trigo de Souza

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