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Artigos-->Where was Oppenheimer’s Right ? -- 08/04/2008 - 21:38 (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/Alcir J.T. de Souza) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos
Where was Oppenheimer’s Right ?

I wonder as today is celebrated in that crazy and abject Islamic regime of Iran “The Day of Nuclear Technology” were was that lunatic, morally obtuse and reprehensible human being named J. Robert Oppenheimer with his head stuck on when he conceived, developed and created a standard of lunacy that today due to it’s wide spread misuse can destroy the planet and all the life in it several times over; and I must note not only our miserable existence will cease to exist, all wonderful and innocent creatures in it will all disappeared thanks to the stupidity of one inferior and abject specie and its arrogance and inability to proceed in life as intelligent guardians of the planet were we all dwell on.

“If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the mighty one. Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds." ( phrase from the Baghavat Gita used by J. Robert Oppenheimer allegdly as he saw the effects of his conceived doomsday device in the Manhattan project) So if the moron capable of understanding such a poetic and conclusive words new that he was creating death upon the entire planet why he did it? Why did he allowed himself to be used by the American government in Hiroshima and Nagasaki under the pretense of saving thousands of American soldiers that shouldn’t be there fighting and dying any way if the United States ambassador for German J. Kennedy Sr. Lord Chamberlain the British prime minister and other heads of state in Europe would not have allowed or financed a post WWI German to raise another army after the first attempt to rule the world had failed and even worst bowed their heads in subservience to a little piece of shit that they called with reverence Her Hitler; if wasn’t for that there were no Americans dead and there have being no WWII; as about Japan : well if they had being left alone without the intromission in their lives and their economics for greed from the not so great Britain and the USA, it would be very difficult for them to rage war alone against the whole world and as so there would be no need to protect American GI’s from dying in the Pacific in a greater number that the ones that they had being killed already by other American sought wars; and as I go into it the question remains: Why a human being with all that intelligence allowed himself to be fooled by idiots like Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower and a group of war mongers, profiteers in the blood of young people and peddlers of human tragedy like Oppenheimer’s allowed himself to be ? I do not have a answer for that no other than lack of vision and irresponsibility.

We know today that inventions are a way to bring human lower spirits and actions; because we also know now that they do attract greed and misusage of them: lets see about Otzi the 3300 year old man from Otzal in the Italian alps and Europe`s oldest natural human mummy found, that was hunted by his fellow cave man and killed because he had a copper axe that was rare and very new at his time and provoked his death by thieves and individuals that wanted to use his invention or owed instrument for purposes unknown and merely questionable as a tool for achieving power. Oppenheimer did not know about Otzi and his saga, but for sure he knew that his new instrument of mass destruction would not be restricted for one usage only; and during his time as he saw the differences between the USA and the Soviet Union grown he tried to control it as head of a nuclear regulatory agency that attempted to restrict the use of a mass destruction bomb capability for peace and as he failed in doing that control he is the responsible one for the stage within the nations and the planet that we inherited with is unexplainable behavior in creating the doomsday devise that threatens our very own existence today and since that first explosion called simplistically Trinity we are in the hands of religious and plain lunatics that through his work can take us to extinction.

And taking advantage of the subject I do ask were those people are also with their heads on to allow nations that tried to rule the world as German did twice and Japan once to rebuild their army’s and worst to have Oppenheimer’s device as a way for this time if they tri again and in case of losing another time they can just blow the planet away and we and the other species will be the real losers in a situation created by a man that I have no idea were was he right or with the right to expose us to that treat .

PS : I did not forget the Allah’s imbeciles that can’t wait to get their virgins and being received by the big scum bag with reverence as martyrs !

Alcir de Souza

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