The Anthology "Roda Mundo, Roda-Gigante" has already 25 confirmed participants.
Launched little before Christmas, the project "Roda Mundo, Roda-Gigante – International Anthology" has already achieved 25 authors from Brazil and abroad. The responsible for the book publishing, the editor Douglas Lara, is still receiving and selecting submission papers from future participants of this anthology, which will have around 400 pages. In a thorough-paced preparation, the editor confirms the launching of the book for the coming July.
The edition will be carried out in a cooperative system, where each author supports partially the expenses of the printing production and press-releases. This system has proved to be successful in every project coordinated by Douglas Lara, such as, ¨Onze autores da Web¨ (Ottoni, 2003), ¨Roda Mundo, Roda-Gigante – International Anthology 2004 (Ottony, 2004) and VMD International Anthology (Ottony, January 13th, 2005 at Livraria Cultura, in São Paulo.
¨ The cooperative method has always good results because, besides coping with the publishing problems, it strengthens the cooperative on the publishing of such work in different regions of Brazil and abroad¨, observes Douglas Lara. Besides attracting the interest of writers of all ages – some quite experienced, with several works published, of those who are looking for their first publication – the anthologies organized by Lara have been mentioned in the national press as well as publishing portals in countries like Spain and England.
In the 2004 edition, ¨Roda Mundo, Roda Gigante¨ had the participation of 40 authors living in twelve countries and four continents. ¨ It was a hit. Everyone who had participated in the project became quite happy and, up to this moment I still receive emails requesting information over the book¨, reveals the editor. Such success has stimulated the editor to revive the project in 2005, keeping the characteristics of the original project, particularly keeping its name.
"Roda Mundo, Roda Gigante – International Anthology 2005, already counts with the participation of the following authors:
Adhemar Molon, Alipio Valadão, Angela Bretas, Arlinda Lamego, Diana Lima, Erasmo Figueira Chaves, Erica Monteiro Nunes, Henrique Chagas, Ivone Carvalho, Jairo Valio, Jéssica De Almeida Bastida, Joào Ayres, João Gabriel Valio, Jorge Bastos, José Geraldo Neres, Lord Marc Fortuna, Marisa Pimentel, Nilson Matos Pereira, Regina Lyra, Ridamar Batista, Rui Batista de Albuquerque Martins, Sandra M. Julio, Sergio Mouat, Vânia Moreira Diniz and Violeta Lima.
Authors interested in participating should send their work to Douglas Lara, by email – The quota of ten pages costs R$ 575,00. It is possible to acquire more than one quota. Each author will receive 25 books that might be freely distributed or sold – thus helping to recover the initial investment. Besides that, the book will be sold worldwide by Livraria Cultura (
Further informations can be obtained directly with the editor, by the email: or by telephone: 55 15 3227-2305.