This is the century of manifests in Art and Literature. Thousand theories, many "isms", I remember a song by John Lennon: "Give Peace a Change" (Bagism, that`ism, etc ...). Also this is the time that is introduced as the new tradition and hence why all new in itself is already an old age odorless, far from the age of fine wines. Many manifest marked and not understand today without them literature: Modern, Dada, Surrealism, Futurism ... Theories were necessary for the metalanguage and verification strategies: Concretism, Praxis Poetry, Process Poem.
But in our times well noticed Habermas and Alvin Toffler, we are in a "cross" or a crossroads on Friday, confirmed, for now, the theory of Vico, language Edenic Joyce: the cycle repeats itself, this is the time the snake bites its own tail.
Therefore, it is necessary to rethink the role of the poet (even if that role a blank), will soon be colonizing other worlds, becoming obsolete science fiction and everyday.
The poet wants to have eyes free for all and not just be an eclectic or a quasi-prophet (antennae of the race), the poet must be kinesthetic. Drummond has already warned about the present. Matter unapproachable according to modern physics, because everything is passed. So here`s Metamodern: The multiplicity postmodern ceases to be a puzzle to be strategy. But without quackery and seers: The accuracy is not only scientific, but is divine and mythological: Homer and Hermes Trismesgistus and Jesus already knew.
Chacrinha (3) and Raul Seixas (4) deserve mentions that perspective. The first by allegory, by carnivalization, the supreme synthesis of the Tropical and Tropical. The second metamorphosis by more than ovideals are videotipicals also for the synthesis of history in synchronic cuts, Solomon Nostradamus, Jesus, Marx, Al Capone and Hendrix are contemporaries. Translate is trova and creating is something we can not do yet, so far only recreate the universe. Hubble, for example, is a monocle on an old parchment. Einstein and Eisenstein knew that the poet should be a great player data, so the great scientist was also a musician, and the other was making art in cinema.
1 Originally published in the libretto "The Adventures of Batman in the Castle of Axel." LUNA, Jayro. Author`s Edition, São Paulo, 1989.
2 Inserted in the collection of poetic works of this author, Selection of the Eight Unpublished Books, literary prize in the Competition Where`s your talent? Project Nacente, USP / Editora Abril, Category Poetry, 1992.
3 Stage name of Abelardo Barbosa, talk show audience on Brazilian television, owns a style which valued the popular culture, tropicality and improvisation.
4 Brazilian rock singer, marked by irreverence and the controversy.