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ADDucation Tips: Click column headings with arrows to sort collective nouns for birds. Reload page for original sort order. Resize your browser to full screen and/or zoom out to display as many columns as possible. Reload page for original sort order. Resize your browser to full screen and/or zoom out to display as many columns as possible. Click the ➕ icon to reveal any hidden columns. Start typing in the Filter table box to find specific bird terms inside the table of collective nouns for birds and poultry.

Generic Bird 🐦 fledgling, nestling, hatchling, chick. A flock of birds, a flight of birds (in the air). cock hen Birds
Cedar Waxwing chick
  • a flock of cedar waxwings
  • an ear-full of cedar waxwings
  • a museum of cedar waxwings.
cock hen Cedar waxwings
Chicken 🐔 chick, pullet (young hen), cockerel (young rooster).
  • A brood of chickens
  • a flock of chickens
  • a peep of chickens
  • a chattering of chicks.
rooster hen Chickens
Crane, Sandhill crane fledgling, nestling, hatchling, chick.
  • A sege or sedge of cranes
  • a siege of cranes
  • a herd of cranes
  • a dance of cranes (in mating season)
  • a construction of cranes
  • a swoop of cranes (flying).
roan? mare? Cranes
Coot Chick A covert of coots, a cover of coots. cock hen Coots
Crow fledgling, nestling, hatchling, chick. A muster of crows, a murder of crows. cock hen Crows
Cuckoo chick
  • An incredulity of cuckolds (baby cuckoos)
  • an asylum of cuckoos
  • a cooch of cuckoos.
male female Cuckoos
Dove 🕊 squab, chick.
  • A bevy of doves
  • a dule of doves
  • a dole of doves
  • a flight of doves
  • a piteousness of doves.
cock hen Doves
Duck🦆 duckling
  • A badling of ducks
  • a raft of ducks
  • a flush of ducks
  • a paddling or team of ducks.
drake duck Ducks
Mallard / Duck duckling A sord of mallards. drake duck Mallard or Mallards.
Eagle 🦅 eaglet, fledgling.
  • A convocation of eagles
  • a congress of eagles
  • an aerie of eagles.
tiercel hen Eagles
Emu chick, hatchling. A mob of emus. cock hen Emus
Finch chick
  • A charm of finches
  • a cast of finches
  • a trembling of finches
  • a trimming of finches.
cock hen Finches
Flamingo chick A flamboyance of flamingos, a stand of flamingoes. male female Flamingos or flamingoes.
Goose gosling
  • A flock of geese
  • a gaggle of geese (walking)
  • a skein of geese
  • a plump of geese on water
  • a wedge of geese in flight.
gander goose Geese
Grouse Chick A covey of grouse, a pack of grouse. cock hen Grouse or grouses
Hawk eyas A cast or kettle of hawks, aerie of hawks. tiercel hen Hawks
Heron chick A sedge, scattering or siege of herons. cock hen Herons
Lark chick An ascension or exultation of larks. cock hen Larks
Magpie chick
  • A tiding of magpies
  • a gulp of magpies
  • a mischief of magpies
  • a conventicle of magpies
  • a tittering of magpies.
cock hen Magpies
Nightingale chick A watch of nightingales. cock hen Nightingales
Owl🦉 owlet, fledgling.
  • A parliament of owls
  • a wisdom of owls
  • a stare of owls
  • a study of owls.
male female Owls
Parrot 🦜 chick
  • A company of parrots
  • a prattle of parrots
  • a pandemonium of parrots.
cock hen Parrots
Partridge cheeper A covey of partridges. cock chantelle, hen Partridge or partridges
Peafowl fledgling, nestling, hatchling, chick. A muster, pride or ostentation of peafowl. An ostentation of peacocks. peacock peahen Peafowl
Pelican chick, toddler.
  • A pod of pelicans
  • a pouch of pelicans
  • a scoop of pelicans
  • a flotilla of pelicans
  • a squadron of pelicans flying.
cock hen Pelicans
Penguin chick
  • A colony of penguins, one of the best-known collective nouns for birds
  • a rookery of penguins
  • a parcel or huddle of penguins.

A group of penguins in water is called a raft of penguins. 20 January is Penguin Awareness Day #PenguinAwarenessDay.

male female Penguins
Pheasant chick
  • A nide of pheasants
  • a head of pheasants
  • a bouquet of pheasants
  • a brood is a family of pheasants
  • a nye is a large group of pheasants.
cock hen Pheasant or pheasants
Pigeon squab, squeaker. A flock, kit or flight of pigeons. cock hen Pigeons
Plover fledgling, nestling, hatchling, chick. A wing or congregation of plovers.     Plovers
Quail fledgling, nestling, hatchling, chick. A covey, drift or bevy of quail. cock hen Quail or quails
Raven fledgling, nestling, hatchling, chick.
  • An unkindness of ravens
  • a conspiracy of ravens.
cock hen Ravens
Rook chick
  • A building of rooks
  • a clamor of rooks
  • a parliament of rooks.
Sandpiper hatchling, chick.
  • A fling of sandpipers
  • a bind of sandpipers
  • a hill of sandpipers
  • a cluster of sandpipers
  • a contradiction of sandpipers.
cock ree Sandpipers
Snipe Chick A walk of snipe, a wisp of snipes. cock hen Snipe or snipes
Sparrow fledgling, nestling, hatchling, chick.
  • A host of sparrows
  • a meinie of sparrows
  • a quarrel of sparrows
  • an ubiquity of sparrows
  • a tribe of sparrows.
cock hen Sparrows
Starling fledgling, nestling, hatchling, chick. A murmuration of starlings, a cloud of starlings.     Starlings
Stork fledgling, nestling, hatchling, chick. A mustering of storks, a phalanx of storks (when migrating).     Storks
Swan 🦢 cygnet, flapper.
  • A bevy of swans
  • a drift of swans
  • a herd, eyrar, game, sownder, team, whiteness of swans
  • a lamentation or wedge of swans, when flying in V formation
  • a bank of swans on the ground.
cob pen Swans
Swift fledgling, nestling, hatchling, chick. A flock of swifts.     Swifts
Turkey 🦃 chick, poult. A raffle or rafter of turkeys, a gang of turkeys. tom or gobbler (adult male),jake (juvenile male. hen or jenny Turkeys
Turtle dove hatchling, chick. A pitying or dole/dule of turtle doves.     Turtle Doves
Vulture chick A committee, volt or venue of vultures (on the ground), a kettle of vultures (when circling) and a wake of vultures (when feeding together). Includes Turkey Vultures often called “Buzzards” in the USA. cock hen Vultures
Woodcock chick A fall of woodcocks. cock hen Woodcocks
Woodpecker chick A descent of woodpeckers. male female Woodpeckers
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