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Cartas-->"you can betray him" -- 17/10/2000 - 23:55 (Dew & Dreams) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos
I could never imagine that such a impossible dream could come true some day... I am so sorry for all the people that would be hurt if they knew about what happened but I can t help feeling happy... You ve turned me inside out... I am scared, I think, and this is a delicious sensation. I was blessed when you touched me. I became a saint when you kissed me... That was so fast... That was so wrong... And that was so good. When your lips touched mine, when our tongues became one, I felt something I thought I would never feel again... I got so excited, that was a kind of explosion. I was hurt and that soft, sweed, mad, tender and special friendship was the way I ve found to heal myself. You are very different, very nice. I am afraid I can lose you. I am afraid we fall in love for each other, because I can t promise you anything. And I wish I could. Anyway, I still don t believe we ve spent those minutes together... My heart beats faster when I remember... When I was feeling donwn, you made me feel so good, almost perfect. When you decided to teach me the meaning of "betray" and I accepted it I put our great relationship on risk. Please don t let me down, please don t hurt me, don t stop talking to me, don t treat me like a mistake. Love me like a special friend, the way I love you. I really don t know if there will be another meeting like that, but I ve been thinking about this possibility for more than one year and now, when I couldn t expect, it happened... Please, keep that lovely smile on your face, that sweet regard, do not ever lose it, and do not ever deny me a smile. There s no disguise for my happiness, no way to hide it. Thank you so very much, for all you ve done. I am grateful for every complement, even if I don t believe in you most of the times you tell me nice things... What are you thinking now? This question disturbs me... You re so handsome, too much for me. But I beg you, keep on being my best friend and I will keep on keeping you safe deep inside of my heart, with our exciting secret.

Love, Dew

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