You know were I am now, ... and I miss you so much. It hurts and comforts because such sense did not disappeared. It s still here, and I can feel it, thank goodness...
Maybe I m already sleeping, maybe I need to go sightseeing but "I was there". I wandered throughout ... no words to say, just the sound of musicians doing their job to enjoy us for a couple of hours, somebody bowing to a lady and asking for a dance. A smile as if dreaming for being there because her hands were hold and her feet were like flying as when you close your eyes and listen to the wind touching your heart, your arms open to the world but what that means, it s for love you have at all.
Wish I could be there again and again...
Maybe I am, I will, I was, ... it doesn t matter.
It s happiness. That s what really matters...
nov25th,2003 - 2:01am
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