Além das modelos... Bilhete de Elvis Presley ao Presidente Nixon(surpreso com direitismo do Cantor que presenteou-lhe com uma Colt calibre 45!):
"A cultura das drogas, os elementos hippie, os estudantes, Panteras Negras (...)Eu fiz um profundo estudo de abuso de drogas e técnicas de lavagem cerebral comunista"
"Presley indicou que ele pensa que os Beatles foram uma força real pelo espírito anti-americano. Ele disse que os Beatles vieram para este país, fizeram seu dinheiro, e então retornaram para a Inglaterra aonde eles promovem um tema anti-americano. (...)
Presley indicou ao Presidente que ele estava `do seu lado.` Presley ficou repetindo que(...)
ele queria restaurar algum respeito pela bandeira que foi perdido." Memorandum do Encontro
Bilhete de Elvis Presley ao Presidente Richard Nixon:
Dear Mr. President.
First, I would like to introduce myself. I am Elvis Presley and admire you and have great respect for your office. I talked to Vice President Agnew in Palm Springs three weeks ago and expressed my concern for our country. The drug culture, the hippie elements, the SDS, Black Panthers, etc. do not consider me as their enemy or as they call it the establishment. I call it America and I love it. Sir, I can and will be of any service that I can to help the country out. I have no concern or motives other than helping the country out.
So I wish not to be given a title or an appointed position. I can and will do more good if I were made a Federal Agent at Large and I will help out by doing it my way through my communications with people of all ages. First and foremost, I am an entertainer, but all I need is the Federal credentials. I am on this plane with Senator George Murphy and we have been discussing the problems that our country is faced with.
Sir, I am staying at the Washington Hotel, Room 505-506-507. I have two men who work with me by the name of Jerry Schilling and Sonny West. I am registered under the name of Jon Burrows. I will be here for as long as long as it takes to get the credentials of a Federal Agent. I have done an in-depth study of drug abuse and Communist brainwashingtechniques and I am right in the middle of the whole thing where I can and will do the most good.
I am Glad to help just so long as it is kept very private. You can have your staff or whomever call me anytime today, tonight, or tomorrow. I was nominated this coming year one of America's Ten Most Outstanding Young Men. That will be in January 18 in my home town of Memphis, Tennessee. I am sending you the short autobiography about myself so you can better understand thisapproach. I would love to meet you just to say hello if you're not too busy.
Elvis Presley
P. S. I believe that you, Sir, were one of the Top Ten Outstanding Men of America also.
I have a personal gift for you which I would like to present to you and you can accept it or I will keep it for you until you can take it.
Mr. President
These are all my PVT numbers
Beverly Hills |
278-9535 |
Palm Spring’s
Pvt # |
325-3241 |
Pvt. # |
398-9722 |
Col P.S. # |
325-4781 |
Col B.H. # |
274-8498 |
Col. Off M.E.M. |
870-0370 |
Room 505-506
Under the name of Jon Burrows
Attn. President Nixon
via Sen. George Murphy
Elvis Presley
( ).
Memorandum do Encontro do Presidente Nixon com Elvis:
December 21, 1970
December 21, 1970
12: 30 p. m. |
Meeting with Elvis Presley
Monday, December 21, 1970
12: 30 p. m.
The meeting opened with pictures taken of the President and Elvis Presley.
Presley immediately began showing the President his law enforcement paraphernalia including badges from police departments in California, Colorado and Tennessee. Presley indicated that he had been playing Las Vegas and the President indicated that he was aware of how difficult it is to perform in Las Vegas.
The President mentioned that he thought Presley could reach young people, and that it was important for Presley to retain his credibility. Presley responded that be did his thing by "just singing." He said that he could not get to the kids if he made a speech on the stage, that he had to reach them in his own way. The President nodded in agreement.
Presley indicated that he thought the Beatles had been a real force for anti-American spirit. He said that the Beatles came to this country, made their money, and then returned to England where they promoted an anti-American theme. The President nodded in agreement and expressed some surprise. The President then indicated that those who use drugs are also those in the vanguard of anti-American protest. Violence, drug usage, dissent, protest all seem to merge in generally the same group of young people.
Presley indicated to the President in a very emotional manner that he was "on your side." Presley kept repeating that he wanted to be helpful, that he wanted to restore some respect for the flag which was being lost. He mentioned that he was just a poor boy from Tennessee who had gotten a lot from his country, which in some way he wanted to repay. He also mentioned that he is studying Communist brainwashing and the drug culture for over ten years. He mentioned that he knew a lot about this and was accepted by the hippies. He said he could go right into a group of young people or hippies and be accepted which he felt could be helpful to him in his drug drive. ThePresident indicated again his concern that Presley retain his credibility.
At the conclusion of the meeting, Presley again told the President how much he supported him, and then, in a surprising, spontaneous gesture, put his left arm around the President and hugged him.
In going out, Presley asked the President if he would see his two associates. The President agreed and they came over and shook hands with the President briefly. At this meeting, the President thanked them for their efforts and again mentioned his concern for Presley's credibility.
[handwritten signature above signature block: "Bud Krogh"]
Bud Krogh
( )
( ).
Mensalão no STF:
Faltam Lula, Lulinha, o BMG, Romero Jucá,
Daniel Dantas, João Batista de Abreu,
Márcio Alaor de Araújo,
Ivan Guimarães, Ricardo Annes Guimarães,
Flávio Pentagna Guimarães,
Fernando Pimentel, Carlinhos Cachoeira
e Dilma Rousseff, a 'filha do mensalão'
Provas do envolvimento dos acima citados no Mensalão:
O mensalão em 38 fotos
A cronologia do escândalo do mensalão
E Dirceu e LuLLa não sabiam de nada?
O Chefe, de Ivo Patarra
Planalto fez gestão para poupar Lulinha
Lula, o BMG e o tenebroso decreto de sexta-feira, 13
Advogado de Jefferson diz que Lula era o chefe do mensalão
Procurador gaúcho responsabiliza Lula por mensalão
Nervos demais, Lula de menos no mensalão
As provas contra o BMG
MPF acusa Lula de improbidade por favorecer BMG
Ministério Público Federal entra com ação contra Lula
Lula e ex-ministro são acusados de favorecer Banco BMG
Ministério Público pede bloqueio dos bens de Lula
Banco do Brasil vai incorporar o deficitário Banco Popular
Os esquecidos do mensalão
Os segredos de Valério - Reinaldo Azevedo
Carlinhos Cachoeira - Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
Há seis anos, Cachoeira era personagem da CPI dos Bingos, a 'CPI do fim do mundo'
Cachoeira teria ligações com executivo da construtora Delta
Delta recebeu dinheiro do PAC por obra inexistente
Delta financiou a campanha presidencial de Dilma
Imagens de O Chefe Lula
Autópsia da corrupção: Maurício Marinho, dos Correios, recebe propina
Extraído da Wikipédia (
Carlos Augusto de Almeida Ramos,[1] mais conhecido como Carlinhos Cachoeira, também denominado pela imprensa de Carlos Augusto Ramos (Anápolis, 3 de maio de 1963[2]), é um empresário brasileiro, preso sob acusações como envolvimento no crime organizado e corrupção.
O nome de Carlinhos Cachoeira ganhou repercussão nacional em 2004 após a divulgação de vídeo gravado por ele onde Waldomiro Diniz, assessor do então ministro da Casa Civil José Dirceu, lhe faz pedido de propina para arrecadar fundos para a campanha eleitoral do Partido dos Trabalhadores e do Partido Socialista Brasileiro no Rio de Janeiro. Em troca, Diniz prometia ajudar Carlinhos Cachoeira numa concorrência pública carioca. A divulgação do vídeo se transformou no primeiro grande escândalo de corrupção do governo Lula[3][4]
Veja o mensalão em história de quadrinhos:
Avenida Brasil: A novela do mensalão
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PIRACEMA - Nadando contra a corrente
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