Every quilter and sewer needs some inspiration from time to time and a reminder that her craft is something of value.
It’s also affirming to connect with your fellow crafters and share how essential sewing and quilting are to your joy in life.
That’s where our list of sewing quotes comes in.
You sew and quilt in isolation so often, so you forget that there’s a community of people who share the delights, frustrations, and hilarity of sewing.
We’ve curated a list of 31 sewing quotes and sayings that will resonate with you and remind you how valuable your creative gift is to you and the world.
31 Funny and Inspiring Sew Quotes
Read through this list of inspirational and funny sewing quotes and make a note of those you like the best. At the end of the post, we’ll give you some ideas about how you can use these sewing phrases.
“May all your ups and downs in life be with a needle and thread.” –Anonymous
“Gather the threads of your life and stitch them into joy.” –Jody Houghton Designs
“Sewing small pieces together gives me a peaceful heart and a quilt to wrap you with, my love.” – Benita Skinner
“Your bobbin thread will always run out one inch from the end of your final seam. Always.” — Greenpiece
“Sewing is not always easy, in fact, sewing can quite often be hard and frustrating.” – Assembil Books
“I am reminded that every day I have the chance to pick up a needle and some thread and add to the story. To stitch together something beautiful and unique, to patch a small scrap of fabric to the story, to the Story of God, that will be retold again and again for all of eternity.” – Jerusalem Jackson Greer
“Sewing is something you do to calm you, to relax you.” – Lainie Myklebust
“My sewing space is my happy place.” – Anonymous

“The soul of the artist cannot remain hidden.” – Henri J.M Nouwen
“There should be an extra day of the week called sew day.” – Makerist

“The best antidepressant is a sewing machine and a room full of fabric.” – Sewing Moments
“Beautiful things come together one stitch at a time.” – Anonymous
“Stitching is relaxing, especially when you throw out all the rules!” – Liz Kettle
“To be creative is to let little pieces of your heart go and place them into each project you make.” – Pat Bravo

“My work comes to life when the thread goes on top of the fabric.” – Lucy Silliman
“Sewing is a universal language where identity and creativity connect all communities.” – Jennifer Nobile
“No matter how it looks from the outside, everything that is made by hand requires a lifetime of effort.” – Kit Dunsmore
“She works willingly with her hands.” – Proverbs 31:13
“I am grateful for you because you don’t roll your eyes when I talk about sewing.” – MSUGCF.org
“Sewing mends the soul.” – Anonymous

“Let’s face it, life is just a bunch of obstacles preventing you from sewing.” – Norton House Quilting
“In my dream world, fabric is free and sewing makes you thin.” – Flower Box Quilts
“The sewing machine joins what the scissors have cut asunder, plus whatever else comes in its path.” – Mason Cooley