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Ensaios-->Memorial do Comunismo: Museu Virtual do Comunismo -- 11/07/2007 - 16:22 (Félix Maier) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos
Museum of Communism

'Never again.' The tyranny and atrocities of Nazi Germany have been justly condemned by world opinion for over 50 years. But it is only recently that Communist despotism has begun to receive remotely similar attention.

It would be a great tragedy if Communism disappeared from the earth without leaving behind an indelible memory of its horrors. Communism was not essentially about espionage, or power politics, or irreligion. Rather it was a grand theoretical synthesis of totalitarianism... a theory which millions of people experienced as the practice of murder and slavery.

The roots of Communism lie squarely in the works of the philosopher Karl Marx. But at the same time, as we shall see, the tradition of Czarist absolutism also became an important source of Communist inspiration. The first exhibit to open explores the Marxist and Czarist origins of the Communist movement.

No site, há um link que aborda a História do Comunismo, endereço

The History of Communism

The history of Communism is complicated and filled with fascinating 'footnotes.' The Main Hall presents the bare skeleton of this rich story. Other levels focus in on topics of note and the experiences of particular countries.

The Main Hall is set up so that one can follow the history of Communism chronologically; alternately, you may go directly to the topics of interest to you.
Lenin and the First Communist Revolutions

The Czarist Origins of Communism

The Marxist Origins of Communism

Lenin and the First Communist Revolutions

The Foundation of the Comintern

Stalin and Trotsky; Chiang and Mao

'Revolution from Above': Stalin s Terror-Famine and Great Terror

Stalin and the World Communist Movement

The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact: Stalin and Hitler Divide Europe Ideology - that is what gives evildoing its long-sought justification and gives the evildoer the necessary steadfastness and determination... Thanks to ideology, the twentieth century was fated to experience evildoing on a scale calculated in the millions.
Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago

World War II: The War to Make the World Safe for Communism

Post-War Communist Victories

Khrushchev Splits the World Communist Movement

Mao: the Stalin of China

Minor Communist Victories, Major Human Tragedies

The Decline of Communism in the Soviet Bloc

Deng: the Khrushchev of China

The Fall of Communism in the Soviet Bloc

Transition to Freedom: Success and Failure to Try

Obs.: O Fascismo e o Nazismo já foram devidamente enterrados pela História. Quando, finalmente, o mesmo será feito com o Comunismo, a terceira bocarra do cérbero totalitário que desgraçou a humanidade no século XX? (F. Maier)

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