Como podem ver o tão elogiado 'socialismo do século XXI', que se supõe ser o comunismo chinês, sempre foi e continua satânico... e no mesmo sentido LULA e seus cúmplices já nos estão encaminhando para uma 'União das Repúblicas Socialistas da América Latina...' Quem e como o deter?
Vejam no ANEXO (pdf) em inglês, mais comentários sobre o livro (*).
Sds castrenses
Cel. Ref EB Roberto Monteiro de Oliveira
FSP – 14/12/08
Um jornalista chinês, Yang Jisheng, reuniu documentos sobre a ‘industrialização’ forçada na época do “Grande Salto Adiante” que causou a MORTE pela FOME a cerca de 36 milhões de chineses, enquanto a mídia local louvava a ‘industrialização’ – que levaria a CHINA a ser uma grande potência...
A fome foi provocada por uma desastrada decisão de Mao Tse-Tung que retirou do campo milhões de agricultores para colocá-los na ‘industrialização’ à força da China Comunista e... ‘enquanto fundiam ferro’, a produção agrícola minguava... Tantos eram os cadáveres que ninguém mais se preocupava em enterrar os corpos dos que morriam de fome...
“A Lápide” (em chinês ‘Mu Bei’ ) é uma ‘lápide’ que o jornalista cria para o túmulo de seu pai que também morreu de fome...
O livro, de 2 volumes e 1.100 páginas, tem centenas de documentos oficiais que comprovam os inúmeros casos de canibalismo em que famílias devoravam os cadáveres de parentes; e outro tanto, de pais que matavam seus próprios filhos para se alimentarem de seus corpos...
Em 1959, a URSS rompeu unilateralmente com o regime chinês e Mao teve que começar a pagar suas dívidas com os soviéticos com grãos da produção que já estava em declínio; o que o obrigou a desviar milhões de toneladas da produção para o antigo aliado do norte...'
Chinese author of book on famine braves risks to inform new generations
By Verna Yu
Published: December 18, 2008
BEIJING: For such a bold writer, Yang Jisheng comes across as a surprisingly quiet, almost shy, scholarly man. Yet this slightly built 68-year-old retiree has become something of a thorn in the side of the Chinese authorities in recent
After a 35-year stint as a journalist for Xinhua, the official Chinese news agency,
Yang has made a name for himself writing about things the Chinese Communist Party would rather people forgot.
His latest book, 'Mu Bei' ('Tombstone'), published this year in Hong Kong, has been hailed as the most comprehensive and authoritative account by a mainland Chinese writer of the Great Famine of late 1958 to 1962, which was precipitated by the calamitous economic policies of Mao`s Great Leap Forward and
cost the lives of tens of millions of Chinese.
The title, he writes in the opening passage, has several meanings: 'It`s a tombstone for my father who died of starvation in 1959, it`s a tombstone for the 36 million Chinese who starved to death, it`s a tombstone for the system that led to the Great Famine.'
He adds: 'There was also a great political risk involved in writing this book. If something happens to me because of this, at least I`m making a sacrifice for the sake of my ideals, so this would also be a tombstone for myself.'
The two-volume, 1,100-page work is banned in China, as is his previous book, 'Political Struggles in China`s Age of Reform,' which contains his account of the 1989 military crackdown on student-led pro-democracy demonstrations in Tiananmen Square and three interviews with former Prime Minister Zhao Ziyang.
Zhao, who was purged for sympathizing with the students, met with Yang while under house arrest.
The authorities were so nervous about that first book - the interviews had been publicized in the overseas press - that they summoned him several times and ordered him to cancel its publication. He refused, and it was released in Hong Kong in 2004. After Zhao died in 2005, Yang was monitored by a plainclothes police officer to ensure he did not attend the funeral.
'My wife was really quite scared, but she couldn`t stop me,' he laughed in an interview
in the office of the history journal Yanhuang Chunqiu, where he is deputy publisher. 'She didn`t want me to write, because that had led to a lot of trouble.'
Why then does he feel compelled to write about such sensitive topics?
'There are too many lies in China in the past, even history can be fabricated,' said Yang, in the earthy accent of his native Hubei Province.
'Deceiving children is a sin,' he said. 'But they have deceived two, three generations
of people already, so this generation cannot lie to the next generation again.'
He said for many young Chinese today, events like the famine, the Cultural Revolution
and the Tiananmen crackdown hardly register. So he feels it imperative that he write down what he knows and has seen.
Yang says that he himself was among those deceived and, as a state journalist, propagated the lies he was told.
After he graduated from Tsinghua University in Beijing in 1966, the year the decade-long Cultural Revolution began, he was assigned to be a reporter at Xinhua.
Like other journalists at the time, he followed Communist Party guidelines, writing nothing but praise of the leadership.
'When I looked through hundreds of stories I wrote during the Cultural Revolution, I realized that over 90 percent of them could not stand the test of history,' he said. 'You could say I`m not personally responsible, but I feel I owe it
to history.'
A fervent adherent of Communist ideals in his early years, Yang said he long believed that Mao`s Great Leap Forward - an ambitious plan of rapid industrialization - was a success, even though his own father was among its victims. In
1959, he did not occur to him that his father`s death was part of a larger manmade catastrophe.
'I didn`t blame the government at all. I didn`t know what was happening in faraway places. I thought what happened in my home village was an isolated phenomenon,' said Yang, who at the time was working at a school elsewhere in
the country.
It was not until nearly a decade later that he learned, from a Red Guard document, that the governor of Hubei had said that 300,000 had died in his province alone during the famine.
'Once I realized we had been deceived, a strong feeling grew within me,' he said. 'The more they wanted to hide the truth, the more I wanted to seek the truth.'
To produce 'Tombstone,' Yang spent more than a decade conducting meticulous research and extensive interviews with witnesses and academics across China. As a Xinhua journalist, he had access to archival materials.
'It is clearly the most thorough historical description of the Great Leap Famine in any language,' said Dali Yang, a political scientist at the University of Chicago, who has also written about the famine and its consequences.
Working from official population statistics and his own estimates of underreported deaths based on his investigations, Yang Jisheng concluded that at least 36 million people died of starvation during the famine.
Yang`s book describes horrendous scenes. Desperate people ate anything they could find: roots, bark, mud, bird droppings and, when these ran out, human flesh from corpses on the street or even of their own relatives.
In Tongwei County in the northwestern province of Gansu, one of the worst- affected regions, as much as a third of the population died, Yang writes. One witness told him that corpses lay everywhere, in ditches, by roads, in farm fields.
Those still alive looked for bodies to eat. One young woman killed and ate her own daughter.
But this catastrophe has remained a taboo subject. The Chinese government still plays down the man-made disaster as 'three years of natural disasters.'
But Yang puts the blame squarely on Mao`s policies. During the Great Leap, farmers had to leave their crops untended to work at steel production. While harvests fell, local officials exaggerated production figures to please Mao. Because provinces delivered crops to the state to supply cities and export quotas based on those inflated figures, farmers were left to starve. No one dared to speak out, fearful of questioning Mao.
Although there are already several books on the topic by overseas authors, Yang thought it was time that a mainland Chinese tackled this grim chapter of history. 'If a country cannot face its past, it has no future,' Yang said.
He came to this conclusion after the 1989 Tiananmen crackdown, in which hundreds of civilians were killed.
'That incident really shook me,' Yang said. 'After that, I felt that we should really
be more critical of our political system and reflect more deeply upon those past lies.'
Yang, a Communist Party member, said he wrote the book in the hope that the party could learn from past mistakes and pursue political reform. He thinks China should adopt a multi-party system and not be 'an obstacle in history' standing in the way of the broader trend toward democracy.
Yang knew he could be censured for writing candid accounts. 'I`m in my 60s,' he said. 'If I end up in jail for the sake of my book, it`s nothing to be ashamed of. I`d see that as an honor.'
But, while the book cannot be published here, he has been pleasantly surprised that no one from the government has summoned him for a reprimand.
'At least they are allowing me to talk about this, this is relatively open-minded of them,' he said. 'This would have never been possible, say, 10 or 20 years ago.'
BEIJING: For such a bold writer, Yang Jisheng comes across as a surprisingly quiet, almost shy, scholarly man. Yet this slightly built 68-year-old retiree has become something of a thorn in the side of the Chinese authorities in recent
After a 35-year stint as a journalist for Xinhua, the official Chinese news agency,
Yang has made a name for himself writing about things the Chinese Communist Party would rather people forgot.
His latest book, 'Mu Bei' ('Tombstone'), published this year in Hong Kong, has been hailed as the most comprehensive and authoritative account by a mainland Chinese writer of the Great Famine of late 1958 to 1962, which was precipitated by the calamitous economic policies of Mao`s Great Leap Forward and
cost the lives of tens of millions of Chinese.
The title, he writes in the opening passage, has several meanings: 'It`s a tombstone for my father who died of starvation in 1959, it`s a tombstone for the 36 million Chinese who starved to death, it`s a tombstone for the system that led to the Great Famine.'
He adds: 'There was also a great political risk involved in writing this book. If something happens to me because of this, at least I`m making a sacrifice for the sake of my ideals, so this would also be a tombstone for myself.'
The two-volume, 1,100-page work is banned in China, as is his previous book, 'Political Struggles in China`s Age of Reform,' which contains his account of the 1989 military crackdown on student-led pro-democracy demonstrations in Tiananmen Square and three interviews with former Prime Minister Zhao Ziyang.
Zhao, who was purged for sympathizing with the students, met with Yang while under house arrest.
The authorities were so nervous about that first book - the interviews had been publicized in the overseas press - that they summoned him several times and ordered him to cancel its publication. He refused, and it was released in Hong Kong in 2004. After Zhao died in 2005, Yang was monitored by a plainclothes police officer to ensure he did not attend the funeral.
'My wife was really quite scared, but she couldn`t stop me,' he laughed in an interview
in the office of the history journal Yanhuang Chunqiu, where he is deputy publisher. 'She didn`t want me to write, because that had led to a lot of trouble.'
Why then does he feel compelled to write about such sensitive topics?
'There are too many lies in China in the past, even history can be fabricated,' said Yang, in the earthy accent of his native Hubei Province.
'Deceiving children is a sin,' he said. 'But they have deceived two, three generations
of people already, so this generation cannot lie to the next generation again.'
He said for many young Chinese today, events like the famine, the Cultural Revolution and the Tiananmen crackdown hardly register. So he feels it imperative that he write down what he knows and has seen.
Yang says that he himself was among those deceived and, as a state journalist, propagated the lies he was told.
After he graduated from Tsinghua University in Beijing in 1966, the year the decade-long Cultural Revolution began, he was assigned to be a reporter at Xinhua.
Like other journalists at the time, he followed Communist Party guidelines, writing nothing but praise of the leadership.
'When I looked through hundreds of stories I wrote during the Cultural Revolution, I realized that over 90 percent of them could not stand the test of history,' he said. 'You could say I`m not personally responsible, but I feel I owe it
to history.'
A fervent adherent of Communist ideals in his early years, Yang said he long believed that Mao`s Great Leap Forward - an ambitious plan of rapid industrialization - was a success, even though his own father was among its victims. In
1959, he did not occur to him that his father`s death was part of a larger manmade catastrophe.
'I didn`t blame the government at all. I didn`t know what was happening in faraway places. I thought what happened in my home village was an isolated phenomenon,' said Yang, who at the time was working at a school elsewhere in the country.
It was not until nearly a decade later that he learned, from a Red Guard document, that the governor of Hubei had said that 300,000 had died in his province alone during the famine.
'Once I realized we had been deceived, a strong feeling grew within me,' he said. 'The more they wanted to hide the truth, the more I wanted to seek the truth.'