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Ensaios-->Obama: Quem é esse cara arrogante? -- 20/02/2009 - 00:06 (Félix Maier) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos

The Obama File

Barack Hussein Obama

Obama`s greatest and most enduring attribute is arrogance.

Who is this guy?

I`ve read everything I could get my hands on about this guy in the last two years and I know less about him now than I did at the beginning.

Is he a Muslim? -- I don`t think so.

But, I don`t think he`s a Christian, either.

He`s a Socialist, at best -- and worse he`s an Alinsky socialist, and Alinsky described himself as a communist. Just check out his friends and associates.

Yet, there is a part of Obama that is Muslim. There`s the prepubescent youngster who lived in a Muslim household, in a Muslim country, attended a Muslim school, undoubtedly eager to please his peers and teachers, and doing his best to be a good little Muslim boy to please his new step-father.

The Jesuits would say, 'Give me the child, and I will mould the man.'

And, suddenly, young Obama is in Hawaii -- abandoned by his father, and now, his mother and stepfather.

During the day, he`s going to school with the children of the Islands` elites, telling his classmates that his father was an African prince, the leader of a proud and successful people.

During the evening, he`s tutored by Frank Marshall Davis -- grampa Stanley`s drinkin` buddy -- who assumes the role of father-figure. Under Frank`s tutelage, Marx replaced Muhammad.

There`s still some Muslim in there somewhere -- some influence -- some sensitivity -- some empathy -- but, he`s not a Muslim.

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