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What is the strongest animal in world?

Profile photo for Joshua Walters

Joshua Walters

Life long fan of wildlife. Upvoted by 

Karen Bowen

, M.Sc Biology, University of Toronto (1991) and 

Patrick Pierce

, MBA Biology & Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Millikin UniversityAuthor has 258 answers and 14.5M answer viewsUpdated 5y

I assume you are asking which animals are the strongest physically so that crosses us humans off the list. Also note that I am basing this list on strength to weight ratios which means some smaller animals will make the cut.


“I’m sorry! Gandalf made me do it!”

If you consider their power to lift weight, eagles are the strongest birds in the world. These birds of prey have enough strength to lift off prey animals such as foxes, deer and wildcats which can be over 4 times their weight.

These fearless birds have powerful vision and can fly for long periods of time, even into storms!


“Remember to measure my impressive size in inches not feet. We snakes don’t have those.”

Anacondas are among the largest and heaviest snakes in the world. These non-venomous constricting snakes squeeze their prey to death, then swallow it whole.

What makes this snake so strong is the fact that it will go after pretty much anything in its ecosystem, no matter how large! Anacondas have been known to kill wild pigs, caimans and even jaguars!

8.Grizzly bear

“I’m the Juggernaut b***h!!!”

The grizzly bear is among the most powerful predators on earth. While they generally munch on plants these massive omnivores can transform into powerful hunters in a flash and have been known to take down young bison, elk and occasionally adult versions of these animals.

Grizzlies weigh around 350 kg but some massive males can exceed even 600 kg! These bears are armed with powerful bites and shoulder muscles which can be seen through their distinctive shoulder humps.


“They call me Elon musk-ox.” (I know musk-ox aren’t exactly oxen but I couldn’t resist!)

Oxen are a larger and stronger breed of cattle. These animals have been working as draft animals since as early as 4000 B.C. They are so strong that especially large animals can pull weights up to 10000 pounds. I think these animals have earned their place as symbols of strength, stability and determination.


“I am stronger than other big cats in every way except one, willpower. You know the old saying… “A lion wouldn’t cheat on his wife but a tiger wood!””

Tigers are among the most powerful land predators on this planet and are able to take down deer, boar, buffalo, gaur and even bears via ambush thanks to their powerful muscles claws and jaws.

Tigers aren’t only powerful when it comes to hunting but when it comes to lifting too. Tigers have been known to carry things that are twice their body weight!

I think its safe to say this animal has earned its position as “king” of the jungle!

(Anyone who feels like I am trying to dis the lion note that I am not. The lion is a “king” in its own right but of the Savannah not the jungle.)


“Now that’s what I like to call guerrilla warfare!”

While often they are often exaggerated as having super strength gorillas are still remarkably strong animals and their strength to weight ratios speaks volumes.

Gorillas are the world’s largest primates and have many impressive feats of strength which include tearing down banana trees to get the fruit, the potential to lift around 800 kg of dead weight and the ability to fend off their main predator, the leopard.

4.African Bush elephant

“I am the strongest animal in this world, period! Everyone else on this list is irrelephant.”

Come on. You knew this guy was going to be on this list somewhere, but what you probably didn’t know is that he wouldn’t make top spot. African bush elephants are both the largest land animals in the world and some of the strongest.

Weighing up to 7 tons, healthy adult elephants have virtually no predators and have been known to send even rhino and hippos running for their lives! I think the elephant deserves its place on this list no questions asked.

3.Leafcutter ant

“You wanna know why you didn’t make this list Mr. Lion? While you were off sleeping I was hitting the gym!”

Again this is not meant to diss the lion, just make a joke….

Ants are known for being very strong insects and can carry objects that are 50 times heavier than their body weight. This helps out when they are called to lift heavy leaves to use as fertilizer for cultivating fungi.

2.Rhinoceros beetle

“I’m the horniest insect around!”

Rhinoceros beetles are another powerful insect and are the second strongest animals on earth. Amazingly these horned beetles can carry objects 850 times heavier than themselves. That’s the equivalent of a human carrying 65 tons!

1.Dung beetle

“Holy sh**! I made the number 1 spot! I have to say I think I’m on a roll!”

And the title of world’s strongest animal goes to the dung beetle. This powerful insect. These creatures can carry weights that are 1141 times their own body weight. That’s like a human carrying 80 tons!

Dung beetles have evolved this strength to help them in fights for mates, tunneling and you know rolling dung.

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