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Erotico-->URGES (very much sensual poem) -- 01/04/2006 - 08:52 (GRAÇA da PRAIA das FLECHAS) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos

It was past midnight, but I felt no fatigue. My tiredness was lost in excited anticipation. I felt agitated, it was difficult controlling myself. I wanted to start, to hurry, But I had to force myself to remain calm.

I breathed deeply to control my excitement. In the dark shadows she looked liked the remembered image of my dream. She unbuttoned her shirt and slipped it off. She wore no bra. My heart racing, blood pounding in my head, swelling my member. I was about to become a raging predator ! I experience a shivering thrill of pleasure as she removed her panties. I was both stimulated and frightened.

I experienced the pungent smell of her body’s perfume…, tasted her warm soft mouth, feasted upon her milk and lapped the honey from her secret grotto. Particularly delicate, yet exciting taste.

I was glad I surrendered to the urges. Attempting to control myself had been exhausting and restricting, producing anxiety and fatigue from the never-ending battle. I abandoned the contest and now was relaxed and free. It was an exhilarating freedom.

My tiredness was lost in excited anticipation. For a few magic moments, I was permitted entry into the rites of manhood. For a short time, I had been Her man.

With all my love ...Bruce A. Mc Mahon
California - Palm Springs - USA

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