On August 15th I sent you a joke about a 3 Family house in New Jersey that caught fire.
There were a family of eight black people on the first floor and all died. There was a family of 10 Spanish people on the second flour and they all got killed also. There was a White couple on the third flour but they survived. Jesse Jackson demanded an explanation on the death of the black and the Spanish people. The white people were at work.
Obs.: Piada recebida de Eloy Franco, dos EUA. Resumo da anedota: os únicos sobreviventes de um incêndio ocorrido em um prédio de Nova Jersey foram um casal de brancos, do terceiro andar, que estavam fora de casa, ou seja, estavam no trabalho. Os outros moradores (8 negros no primeiro andar e 10 hispânicos no segundo andar) morreram torrados pelo fogo (F. Maier).