As far as I know, some East Asian languages have a large variety of expressions to describe the different moon phases. In spoken (colloquial) German, there are just about three main terms:
(1) Neumond = New Moon
(2) Halbmond - lit.: half moon ~ Crescent; Gibbous
(3) Vollmond = Full Moon
More accurately, we can make some more distinctions:
(2)(a) Zunehmender Mond - lit.: increasing moon ~ Waxing Crescent, Waxing Gibbous
(2)(b) Abnehmender Mond - lit.: decreasing moon ~ Waning Crescent, Waning Gibbous
What terms do you use in your language (or any other language you're familiar with, interested in, ...) ?
nov - from nový (= new) první čtvrť - first quarter úplněk - from úplný (= complete), which is from plný (= full) poslední čtvrť - last quarter
Měsíc dorůst - moon is growing, is growing back Měsíc couv - moon is moving backwards
I don't know what are the most exact English translation of verbs dorůstat and couvat but they were chosen because of their beginning letters (they could chose different verbs for it) - DORŮSTAT begins on D, the moon has shape of D, COUVAT begins on C, the moon has shape of C.
other terms:
půlměsíc - 'halfmoon', crescent (from my experience this word is not used for the real moon on the sky, only for pictures of crescent) srpek Měsíce - "crescent of moon", srpek is derived from srp (= sickle)
edit: I'm not sure about writting of capital M in the beginning of the word Měsíc, there are some rules for when sun and moon should be written with capital letters on the beginning and when they shouldn't be written with capital letters on the beginning.
In Japanese, we have each name in reference to the moon according to the date on the Lunar Calendar:
[1] day 1 : 新月 shingetsu (new moon)
[2] day 2 : 繊月 sengetsu(fiber moon)
[3] day 3 : 三日月 mikaduki (moon after three days)
[4] day 7 : 上弦の月 jo-gennotsuki (moon of the top chord)
[5] day 13 : 十三夜月 juusanyaduki(moon on the thirteenth night)
[6] day 14 : 小望月 komochiduki (moon before full moon)
[7] day 15 : 満月, 望月 mangetsu; mochiduki (full moon)
[8] day 16 : 十六夜 izayoi (kanji transcription means night on the sixteenth day but the actual pronunciation izayoi means luring, temptation)
[9] day 17 : 立待月 tachimachiduki (moon that you are waiting by standing)
[10] day 18 : 居待月 imachiduki (moon that you are waiting by sitting down)
[11] day 19 : 寝待月 nemachiduki (moon that you are waiting in your sleeps)
[12] day 20 : 更待月 fukemachiduki (moon rising late)
[13] day 23 : 下弦の月 kagennotsuki (moon of the bottom chord)
[14] day 26 : 有明月 ariakeduki (moon at twilight)
[15] day 30 : 三十日月 misokaduki (moon on the thirtieth day)
Compared to English words:
New moon = singetsu, mikaduki
Crescent = mikaduki
Half moon = gengetsu(it means both jogen no tsuki and kagen no tsuki)
Full Moon = mangetsu
Gibbous = juusanyaduki
Waxing Crescent = sengetsu
Waning Crescent = ariakeduki
*I'm not sure what the adequate translation for waxing and waning gibbous is.
810senior, you should write 'zu' instead of 'du' as it will confuse many people. There are several methods to romanize but using the one closer to the actual speech is best, ず and づ are pronounced the same after all
In Spanish:
Luna Nueva (new moon)= New Moon
Luna Nueva Visible (visible new moon) = Waxing Crescent
Cuarto Creciente (Growing quarter)= First quarter
Luna Gibosa Creciente (Gibbous growing moon)= Waxing Gibbous
Luna Llena (full moon)= Full moon
Luna Gibosa Menguante (Gibbous waning moon) = Waning gibbous
Cuarto Menguante (Waning quarter)= Last quarter
Luna Menguante (waning moon)= Waning Crescent
Luna Negra (black moon) = last phase of the moon. Apparently there's no specific name for this in English, it just starts again with new moon.
810senior, you should write 'zu' instead of 'du' as it will confuse many people. There are several methods to romanize but using the one closer to the actual speech is best, ず and づ are pronounced the same after all
In Japanese, we have each name in reference to the moon according to the date on the Lunar Calendar:
[1] day 1 : 新月 shingetsu (new moon)
[2] day 2 : 繊月 sengetsu(fiber moon)
[3] day 3 : 三日月 mikaduki (moon after three days)
[4] day 7 : 上弦の月 jo-gennotsuki (moon of the top chord)
[5] day 13 : 十三夜月 juusanyaduki(moon on the thirteenth night)
[6] day 14 : 小望月 komochiduki (moon before full moon)
[7] day 15 : 満月, 望月 mangetsu; mochiduki (full moon)
[8] day 16 : 十六夜 izayoi (kanji transcription means night on the sixteenth day but the actual pronunciation izayoi means luring, temptation)
[9] day 17 : 立待月 tachimachiduki (moon that you are waiting by standing)
[10] day 18 : 居待月 imachiduki (moon that you are waiting by sitting down)
[11] day 19 : 寝待月 nemachiduki (moon that you are waiting in your sleeps)
[12] day 20 : 更待月 fukemachiduki (moon rising late)
[13] day 23 : 下弦の月 kagennotsuki (moon of the bottom chord)
[14] day 26 : 有明月 ariakeduki (moon at twilight)
[15] day 30 : 三十日月 misokaduki (moon on the thirtieth day)
Compared to English words:
New moon = singetsu, mikaduki
Crescent = mikaduki
Half moon = gengetsu(it means both jogen no tsuki and kagen no tsuki)
Full Moon = mangetsu
Gibbous = juusanyaduki
Waxing Crescent = sengetsu
Waning Crescent = ariakeduki
*I'm not sure what the adequate translation for waxing and waning gibbous is.
This list is really impressive - and somehow you managed to keep it all clear and easily readable... thanks again, 810senior.
As for the Romanization: I think it doesn't really matter whether you write tu/du/si or tsu/zu/shi - we non-Japanese people mispronounce everything anyway
Hawaiian moon phases. Fishing and farming depended heavidly on the moon. "Mahina".
In any other language or culture, is there a word or story for a bowl shaped moon? Here it's Kā'elo, and it's considered a good moon for fishing. Ive heard the term "wet moon" or "dry moon" In some cultures. Just curious*
I remember in Tagalog terms, full moon-kabilugan, new moon-bagong buwan. waxing crescent- pabilog, waning crescent-patunaw, half moon- hati', quarter- sangkapat.
In Portuguese:
New moon: lua nova (lit. new moon)
Waxing moon: lua crescente (lit.waxing moon)
Half moon: meia lua (lit. half moon) neither used in calendars nor widely spoken.
Full moon: lua cheia (lut. full moon)
lua minguante (lit. waining moon)
More specific terms:
Waxing gibbous: gibosa crescente
Waning gibbous: gibosa minguante
First quarter: quarto crescente (lit. waxing quarter)
Third quarter: quarto minguante (lit.waning quarter)
New Moon=al-muhaaq المحاق (root: m-H-q to wipe out )
Waxing Crescent=al-hilaal al-mutazayid الهلال المتزايد (root h-l-l to come out/be shown )
First quarter=al-tarbii3 al-'wal التربيع الأول (root : r-b-3 quarter )
Waxing Gibbous=al-'Hdab al-mutazayid الأحدب المتزايد ( root :H-d-b convex/gibbous)
Full moon=al-badr البدر (root :b-d-r to begin)
Waning gibbous=al-'Hdab al-mutanaqiS الأحدب المتناقص
Last quarter=al-tarbii3 al-thani التربيع الثاني
Waning Crescent =al-hilaal al-mutanaqiS الهلال المتناقص