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Russian Numbers 1-100: Pronunciation and Usage

Russian banknotes

Russian banknotes of one thousand, five thousand rubles. Konstantin Gavrilov / Getty Images

Numbers are used a lot in Russian everyday life. Whether you need to ask which bus to take or are buying something in a shop, you will need to know how to use the numerical system in Russian.


Russian cardinal numbers tell the quantity of something. They are easy to learn and tend to follow a simple structure. 


Numbers 1 - 10

Russian Number English Translation Pronunciation
один one aDEEN
два two DVAH
три three TREE
четыре four chyTYry
пять five PHYAT'
шесть six SHEST'
семь seven SYEM'
восемь eight VOsyem'
девять nine DYEvyt'
десять ten DYEsyt'

Numbers 11-19

To form these numbers, simply add "NATtsat" to one of the numbers from 1 to 9.

Russian Number English Translation Pronunciation
одиннадцать eleven aDEEnatsat'
двенадцать twelve dvyNATtsat'
тринадцать thirteen tryNATtsat'
четырнадцать fourteen chyTYRnatsat'
пятнадцать fifteen pytNATtsat'
шестнадцать sixteen shystNATtsat'
семнадцать seventeen symNATtsat'
восемнадцать eighteen vasymNATtsat'
девятнадцать nineteen dyevytNATtsat'

Numbers 20-30

To form any number from 20 onwards, add a number between 1 and 9 to 20, 30, 40, etc. The number 30 is formed in a similar way to 20, by adding 'дцать' to два and три:


два + дцать = двадцать (twenty)
три + дцать = тридцать (thirty)

Russian Number English Translation Pronunciation
двадцать twenty DVATtsat'
двадцать один twenty-one DVATtsat' aDEEN
двадцать два twenty-two DVATtsat' DVAH
двадцать три twenty-three DVATtsat' TREE
двадцать четыре twenty-four DVATtsat' cyTYry
двадцать пять twenty-five DVATtsat' PYAT'
двадцать шесть twenty-six DVATtsat' SHEST'
двадцать семь twenty-seven DVATtsat' SYEM'
двадцать восемь twenty-eight DVATtsat' VOHsyem'
двадцать девять twenty-nine DVATtsat' DYEvyt'
тридцать thirty TREEtsat'

Numbers 40-49

The number 40 is quite different from the other numbers in the 20-100 sequence and has a name that does not follow the same rules as the other numbers. However, all the numbers from 41 to 49 have the same structure as the ones in the 21-29 group, and are formed in the same way. This is also the case for all other groups of 1-9 numbers added to a multiple of ten (20-100).

Russian Number English Translation Pronunciation
сорок forty SOruk
сорок один forty-one Soruk aDEEN

Numbers 50, 60, 70, and 80

Created by adding 5, 6, 7, or 8, and the particle "десят"; these numbers are easy to remember.

Russian Number English Translation Pronunciation
пятьдесят fifty pyat'dySYAT
шестьдесят sixty shest'dySYAT
семьдесят seventy SYEM'dysyat
восемьдесят eighty VOsyem'dysyat

Number 90

Number 90 should simply be memorized, as it is unique in the way it is formed. However, all other numbers between 91 and 99 follow the same structure as the others and are created by adding a number from 1 to 9 to девяносто.

Russian Number English Translation Pronunciation
девяносто ninety dyevyeNOStuh

Number 100

The number 100 is сто in Russian, pronounced "sto." 

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