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Poesias-->OF POETS -- 19/04/2003 - 12:03 (Fernando Tanajura) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos

I have the craziness of the poets

who paint the beauty when everything is sad,

who see stars through a stormy sky,

who taste pleasure when everything is pain

I have the craziness of these people

who sing happily when there is sadness,

who light suns in a stormy weather,

who see doubt when everything is right

I have the craziness of poetry

that looks for roses when it is winter,

that feels cold when it is spring,

that is afraid when everything is tender

I have the craziness of this world

that wants to fight when peace abounds,

that laughs at love when care is needed,

that is forbidden when everything is Freedom

© Fernando Tanajura Menezes

(n. 1943 - )

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