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Textos_Religiosos-->Reza diante da estrada -- 07/03/2007 - 09:42 (Elpídio de Toledo) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos
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Reza diante da estrada
Meu Senhor Deus, não sei para onde estou indo. Não vejo a estrada à minha frente. Não consigo ter certeza de onde é que ela acaba. Realmente, nem sei sobre mim mesmo e o fato de eu pensar que estou seguindo Tua Vontade não significa que eu esteja fazendo isso de verdade. Mas creio que o desejo de Te agradar faz com que Te alegres de fato. E eu espero ter esse desejo em tudo que eu esteja fazendo. Espero não fazer qualquer coisa que não esteja seguida desse desejo. E eu sei que quando eu faço isso Tu me conduzes pela verdadeira estrada, embora eu não possa saber nada sobre ela. Por isso, sempre confio em Ti, apesar de parecer que estou perdido e à sombra da morte. Nada temo, porque Tu sempre estás comigo, e Tu nunca me deixas sozinho ao enfrentar meu perigoso viver.
Thomas Merton – Reflexões em solidão.

Rezo para el camino delante
Mi Señor Dios, yo no tengo ninguna idea dónde yo voy. Yo no veo el camino delante de mí. Yo no puedo saber con toda seguridad donde acabará. Ni yo realmente me conozco, y el hecho yo pensar que estoy siguiendo Tuya Voluntad no significa que yo realmente estoy haciendo eso. Pero yo creo que el deseo de agradar a Tú hace con que Tú quedes alegre de verdad. Y yo espero que yo tenga ese deseo en todo lo que yo estoy haciendo. Yo espero que yo nunca haré algo aparte de ese deseo. Y yo sé que, si yo hago eso, usted me llevará por el camino correcto, aunque yo no pueda saber nada sobre él. Por consiguiente, yo siempre confiaré en usted aunque yo puedo parecer estar perdido y en la sombra de la muerte. Yo no temeré, pues usted está en la vida conmigo, y usted nunca me dejará enfrentar mi peligroso vivir.
Thomas Merton—Thoughts in Solitude

Gebete für die Straße voraus
Mein Herr God, ich habe keine Idee, wo ich gehe. Ich sehe die Straße nicht vor mir. Ich kann für nicht bestimmt wissen, wo es enden wird. Noch nicht kenne ich mich wirklich, und die Tatsache daß ich glaube, daß ich folge Ihr Wille, bedeutet nicht damit, daß ich eigentlich mache es. Aber ich glaube, daß der Wunsch, zu Ihnen gefallen, es macht daß Sie in der Tat gefallen sein. Und ich hoffe, daß ich habe, dieses Wunsch in allem, was ich mache. Ich hoffe, daß ich nie außer diesem Wunsch alles machen werde. Und ich weiß, daß, wenn ich dieses mache, das Sie mich neben die richtige Straße führen werden, obwohl ich vielleicht nichts davon weiß. Deshalb werde ich Ihnen immer vertrauen, obwohl ich vielleicht scheine verloren zu werden, und im Schatten des Todes. Ich werde nicht fürchten, denn Sie sind je mit mir, und Sie werden mir nie überlassen, meinen Gefahren allein gegenüberzustehen.

Prayers for the road ahead
My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end. Nor do I really know myself, and the fact that I think that I am following your will does not mean that I am actually doing so. But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you. And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing. I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire. And I know that if I do this you will lead me by the right road though I may know nothing about it. Therefore I will trust you always though I may seem to be lost and in the shadow of death. I will not fear, for you are ever with me, and you will never leave me to face my perils alone.

Thomas Merton—Thoughts in Solitude


Dear Friends,

I would like to share a marvelous gift with you. Late last month, I was a guest at the Thomas Merton Center at Bellarmine College in Louisville,KY. I was invited to share reflections on the meaning of the life and work of my beloved friend and brother, Tom/Father Louis. At the close
of the discussion one of the members of the audience (which I preferredto identify as a community of dialogue) came up to me and offered me a gift: a packet of four small ookmarks. On the back of one of the bookmarks was the prayer we have reproduced below. It was not
identified as to the source on the bookmark. So I was delighted when my resourceful niece and VOHP director, Gloria Smith, Googled it and discovered that the prayer had been composed by my brother Tom, appearing in his collection, Thoughts in Solitude. I found it so rich,healing and encouraging that I knew I needed to share it as fully as possible. Please feel free to pass it on with attribution to Merton-and with thanks to the Giver(s) of every perfect gift.
Vincent Harding
March 2007

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