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Artigos-->To always learn. It is the Motto of the Thinking Modern of t -- 09/03/2003 - 12:18 (Welington Almeida Pinto) Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos

Welington Almeida Pinto


* Who likes to know of the things is in constant movement, stimulated for the indomável desire to mainly run behind that he is new, if practicing adept and applied of the continued education.

The principle of the continued education is so important in the world of today that the specialists in education projects affirm: the students alone will have good performance when involved professors and other professionals in the educational process also will be pledged in learning each time more.

E adds: the best place for the qualification of the Professor is the proper School where it works - the surgeon determined in growing in the profession improves its technique attending more experienced colleagues in action in the hospital.

Abilities To teach the Brazilian educator, presumptuous of that it is in the hour to review its position, will have that to face innumerable challenges in the preparation of its pupils for a more competitive future, being known that, among others abilities, must involve the students in its learnings and, over all, to substitute a thought that isolates and separates for a thought that it distinguishes and it joins, as the French thinker Edgar Morin teaches.

Piaget nails to the substitution of the verbalista school for a school directed toward the thought, offering to the pupil firm base of an intelligence mature and active, capable to face the multiple transformations social politics and of the modern world.

The ideal is that the School incorporates a solid platform of qualification in the proper headquarters, objectifying, in first place, the cooperation spirit enters the professors interested in learning to learn. Thus, the educator will have to its efficient disposal laboratory to select, to interpret and to use information on the science of the education, methods and programs, what it is imperative nowadays where takes advantage the continued renewal of the knowledge.

The professor of Education of the USP, Júlio Groppa, defends that the true continuous formation if gives when, together, the professionals of the education if they make use to construct ethical consensuses on what he is to educate in a democático context.

Swiss Sociologist Philippe Perrenoud Strengthens: ability in education is to mobilize a set to know to solve with effectiveness a series of situations. E the Spaniard Cesar complete Coll: a necessary curricular plan to satisfy, of articulated form, all the levels of functioning of a school.

The Educator Heloisa Cerri, consulting also pedagogical of the Foundation Vitor Civita, concludes that. .. we need to assure 100 0desse right to the professors, therefore the initial graduation does not guarantee a complete qualification to any professional.

An alert Action that demands haste. It has very, the Brazilian education agonizes in the CTI, providing to the country a significant parcel of misadjusted and unhappy young.

Brazil, in the end of the passed year, between 32 participant countries, occupied the last position in the tests applied in its pupils for it STEPS ON - International Program of Evaluation of Pupils. In the threshold of Century XXI, another sad result: position in the IDH occupied 76ª - Index of Human Development *, that it evaluates the quality of life offered to the citizens.

Pictures that can explain another frightful index: in the Brazilian arrests, of each 10 inmates, 7 have less than 25 years, young that, for the lack of good school, had fallen in the deliquency and had been attracted by the organized crime.

Recently, another scare: a research of the Brazilian Center of Information on Pscotrópicas Drugs sample that 48,3 0de our adolescents, of the 12 to the 17 years, make alcohol use. Of dependent these, 5,2 0são.

The Canadian educator Michael Fullan concludes that he does not have doubt of that the work of the educators must move dramaticamente to be wanted to have some possibility to construct something capable to contribute for the personal and social development.

Books, the Base of Everything.

The qualification passes for the reading, is clearly. Without good books to the disposal of the Professor and the pupils if a society cannot imagine made use to learn continued.

Professor who constructs its base of knowledge through a good literature, the same prescribes its pupils, as the great secret to acquire abilities and to control the life. In century XVI, the philosopher Giambattista Vico already defended: we only can know what we construct with the hands or the head.

** Canada was the first one placed. The United States, eighth place. In these countries, the average wage varied of 4000 the 5000 dollar for Professors of the public net basic education. In Brazil, a Professor gained 200 dollars to exert the same functions.

* Welington Almeida Young chicken, writer, advertising executive. Author, among others books, of Santos-Dumont, In the Heart of the Humanity. welingtonapinto@globo. com. br Look the relation of its books in the sites: www. welingtonpinto. kit. net/index or www. ieditora. com. br


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