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Cartas-->King Charles III -- 09/02/2023 - 09:03 (Marcelo de Oliveira Souza :Qualquer valor: pix: Siga o Autor Destaque este autor Envie Outros Textos


Salvador, February 9, 2023





Long live King Charles III!



We are continuing the Permanent Exhibition of the Writer Marcelo de Oliveira Souza, IwA, with the text Não Aguentamos Mais, A tribute to PEACE IN THE WORLD, which was awarded in Brazil and Portugal.

We made the choice of your highness, because he is a person greatly admired by all of us, in our family, accompanying him throughout his journey as a human being and ruler of the greatest countries in the world, which he does with great affection and competence.

We have more than sixty plaques spread throughout Brazil and abroad, both with people of great charisma such as Your Highness, the Pope and presidents, as well as in places such as workshops, bakeries, community centers and universities.

Bringing culture and positive messages to all sectors, as literature has no borders or social class.

We also sent a copy to our dear Queen Elizabeth.

Now, on behalf of Brazil, we send this welcome copy to His Royal Highness.

The project is expensive and we don't have sponsorship from anyone, but we keep sending cards like this around the world, I hope you like it.

We know that your time is very limited, given the many problems that our world offers, but I am waiting for some contact from this magnificent manager.

We will send the translation of our text into your language, so that you can understand our work, thank you in advance.


Yours sincerely:


Marcelo de Oliveira Souza, IwA

Exhibition Curator

Instagram: marceloescritor


Marcelo de Oliveira Souza, IwA

Edgar Santos Conjunto Bloco 14 apt 204 Engenho Velho de Brotas Salvador Bahia Brazil zip code 40240550








We can't take it anymore!




I can not take it anymore!

corner shot

Hurting the boy

the night lights up

The Flash of Slaughter

a girl dies

rain and cry

During the day...

At night everything repeats itself

nothing else prevails

The bullet eats the face,

face suffering from pain

Down in the ditch, in the sewer

So much pain and agony...


Nobody knows nobody saw

The bomb exploded,

In a flagrant of the boys

There's no party, there's nothing

Leather eats at dawn

Cry, death and nothing else...

And another body dumped

In the backyard on the road.


I can not take it anymore

Drama, scream and despair

All for the money

The people need PEACE

In the cemetery the people Jaz...

Suffering, wound, boy

I can not take it anymore

We can't take it anymore!



Marcelo de Oliveira Souza,IwA


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